​Welcome to the new website! It's still a work in progress, but check it out and call with any questions. It's quicker by phone anyway! 413-586-3296.
Links to information & tips for a successful live event recording.
Actually, The most fundamental considerations for these projects is covered on our Capture page, under "Where to Begin". Beyond the initial general considerations covered will be the specifics of your project. Once you have your goals well-defined and a rough plan in-place, give us a call to discuss those specifics.
Links to information & advice on audio-visual archiving standards and procedures.
General Info on archival standards & principles
A good overview of FADGI (US Government guidelines). Clear and concise, with excellent links at the bottom:
2. File Format Guide for institutions. Good information for institutions, but adaptable for individuals.
3. Small museums archiving guidelines. Somewhat advanced, but good practical and adaptable information.
Audio Conversion
A comprehensive guide to audio preservation/digitizing. Advanced with strict (overkill for most folks) standards.
2. Fundamentals of AV Preservation. An overview of the main issues and considerations of preserving grooved, film, magnetic, and optical media. Produced in-part by NEDCC, a great resource for historic AV & document preservation.